Im just real happy to tell you the truth. This week was the bomb. I have been super pumped about the work lately. I literally love it. We have been working real hard and this weekend I decided to fast a little bit and pray a lil more that our investigators could really make the effort to come to church. And as I prayed for them throughout the day and we visited them I felt so good and I just had such a strong hope that they would all show up. So Sunday morning we went to go look for some of them because the night before they had asked us to and when we showed up at their door after walking for like 30 minutes on dirt roads they didn’t answer the door. And we were a little bit sad but the other investigators had promised that they would show up so we still showed up to church with a little bit of excitement. And then when we sat down 5 minutes passed and then 10 and then we started the Sacrament and still no one had shown up. And it has been like this for almost my entire time herein Las Termas. And I just felt my eyes fill with tears and I just felt so unworthy. And that I had to be doing something wrong. I really felt sooo low. After all of our hard work. But then a little thought just popped into my mind that through the Sacrament I could repent and try even harder the next week to help my brothers and sisters and that I just needed to trust in God that he would help us because as it says in Isaiahs “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”. So I just felt a little more at peace and I just put my head down and started to pray and thank my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to start again this week. And as I put my head down FIVE INVESTIGATORES walked in. I literally could not believe it. And they LOVED the sacrament and all of the classes.
My eyes are just filled with tears thinking about how merciful our Heavenly Father really is and how much he loves his children. 12 “For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.”
I really had doubted a lil bit this perfect plan that God has for us but when I finally convinced myself to accept it and trust in him… that’s when we saw the miracles. I know that God loves me. And that he wants us to trust in him and that’s why sometimes we have to feel a little bit low so that we can experience the high points and we can recognize that only in and through him we can be saved.
I love the mission and I feel so unexplainably grateful for all of the amazing experiences that God has let me take part in.
Hermana Jarrrrvviiiisss
Seventh grade selfie swag |
trying to stay out of the sun likeeee |
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