Monday, August 15, 2016

Princess Jenna

Live from good ol´Oran Argentina

Well after we wrote home last week we went to the doctor because my foot was really swelled up and then……… this whole week I sat in a hospital bed. Jajajja I guess I am allergic to some type of mosquito here. And no one called me princess but I sure felt like a princess. People made food for me all day and catered to my every need and I made a lot of doctor friends. But if anything it just made me so much more grateful to be a missionary here in Argentina. Not going to lie somedays I just feel like wow… I still have SEVEN more months. How? But after not being able to work for an ENTIRE week I feel so ALIVE and I just want to talk to every living creature here in Oran.

Federicoooo is still tip top and is preparing for his baptism and we are pumped. He is seriously the sweetest kid. He comes to church after working for 5pm to 5am with breakfast in hand ready to be spiritually edified and it just makes my heart happy. I love seeing changes in these people. It really amazes me what God can do with something so simple. How he has always worked through small things to make a big impact. When I was in the hospital I decided that I was going to read the whole book of Mormon. But that dream se fue when every single member here came to visit. But I still had the chance to read a ton and it really helped me realize how lucky we are to have the Book of Mormon. To have this guide in these times of trouble.  To know that if we will follow the counsel and direction that we receive from this book we have the power to do anything.

 1 Nefi 17: 50 Y les dije: Si Dios me hubiese mandado hacer todas las cosas, yo podría hacerlas. Si me mandara que dijese a esta agua: Conviértete en tierra, se volvería tierra; y si yo lo dijera, se haría.

Through this sacred book we have power. So many times we get lost and we feel like we have so much to do and so little time. But we forget that God is a simple God. That he doesn´t expect us to run faster than we can handle. He doesn´t expect us to be the people that we are not. That every answer we need is simply through him. I love reading about Lehi and family because we can really see that it is only through small and simple things that the Lord helps us find our way. That he guides us to where we need to be. All we need to do is have faith in him.

 Alma 37:44 Pues he aquí, tan fácil es prestar atención a la palabra de Cristo, que te indicará un curso directo a la felicidad eterna, como lo fue para nuestros padres prestar atención a esta brújula que les señalaba un curso directo a la tierra prometida.

 45 Y ahora digo: ¿No se ve en esto un símbolo? Porque tan cierto como este director trajo a nuestros padres a la tierra prometida por haber seguido sus indicaciones, así las palabras de Cristo, si seguimos su curso, nos llevan más allá de este valle de dolor a una tierra de promisión mucho mejor.

 46 Oh hijo mío, no seamos perezosos por la facilidad que presenta la senda; porque así sucedió con nuestros padres; pues así les fue dispuesto, para que viviesen si miraban; así también es con nosotros. La vía está preparada, y si queremos mirar, podremos vivir para siempre.

Happiness is in our hands. We make our own choices and we decide to take part in this perfect plan and follow this perfect course or not. I love the mission. I love knowing of the restored gospel and helping others knows the same. I love knowing that my heavenly father loves us enough to give us a guide book that I can read and hold in my hands anytime I want. I just hope everything is fine and dandy in good ol´Utah. I love you all and miss u

Remember who youareanddont do drugs

XOXOXOXO Hermana Jarvis

Swag pays the bills 
my companion checking herself out jaja

When you´re stuck in a hospital bed all day

We believe in being humble 

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