This week was just mighty fine. My companion is the sweetest and I taught her how to ride a bike this week and she crashed into me the other day jajaja. I am her step mommy and she is from Paraguay. And my daughter in the mission is training and is in my district. So I have my daughter my step daughter and my granddaughter all here with me. And we are just the cutest fam. And our branch is going to turn into a WARD IN MAY and I just am the happiest little camper because we have worked so dang hard with these liders. I cant even describe how much I love being here. I just want to extend 5 more times. I have truly fallen in love with this gospel and Argentina. I still am in shock that I am even a missionary. Its honestly something that I never thought I could actually do. And here I am with only 5 more weeks. I have never waken up so excited every morning or had such a strong desire to talk to everyone I know. I have never truly felt so loved and so blessed by my heavenly father. I know he is there and I know with out a doubt in my mind that he hears my every prayer.
And I know only through him we can be happy. And be eternally “happy” not just temporally happy. Its only when we truly turn to him and put everything on the altar of sacrifice that we find this happiness. It really is SO SIMPLE and if we can just trust in him everything magically falls into place. I am really so happy here and the challenges keep coming but they just make us so much stronger. I am just super pumped to be honest. And we just have so much work to do. I know without a doubt in my mind that all truth is included in the gospel and if we can just rely on our heavenly father he will bless us more than we can comprehend. All we gotta do is just take that little leap of faith.
Hermanannananna j did
Monday, March 27, 2017
Monday, March 20, 2017
just another manic mondayyyyyyyy
Well this week was the bomb and I dont have a lot of time to write. We had 12 investigadores at church on Sunday and Cesar was baptized! I have never seen someone so dedicated to the Lord. He quit smoking and he is starting to close his buisness on Sundays and now his wife wants to get baptized! And its just the sweetest thing. It really amazes me to see people truly convert themselves to the Lord. To see them give up all of their favorite things to follow our Savior. I feel so blessed. And I truly know they these things couldn´t come to pass if we hadn´t been praying and fasting with faith that the Lord could truly let us be instruments in his hands. WELL I LOVE YOU ALL AND I GOTTA GO pray for familia moyano they are going to get married this week!!! and yeah peace and blessings
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We had the cutest little bbq with the familia Moyano |
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He literally thinks my name is spelled like this |
Monday, March 13, 2017
Well this week was probably the hardest and most rewarding week of my whole misión. It started out as my mini misionary deciding that she misses her mom and needs to go home and looking for ANOTHER mini missionary franticly for hours and hours to being robbed of almost everything I love and just a lot of other things to top it all off. And really I dont know if I have felt so low in my entire misión. I just felt so lost and so forgotten. Like I just couldn´t comprehend what I did wrong and why I had to get robbed and why my other other mini missionary went home. And I really just didnt even want to wake up in the morning. And the Elders came here to give us another cell phone because it was also stolen with all of my goods and when they came I just had the biggest impression to ask for a priesthood blessing. And I really dont like asking for blessings to be honest because I dont like that people know that I am suffering jaja but I really just couldnt even sit still and not have my eyes fill with tears so I swallowed my pride and I asked them for a blessing.
And to be honest I always heard the blessings that my companions recieved and how they will just say the most amazing things or things that are writting in their patriatical blessings but to be honest I never felt that my blessings were anything special and I just didn´t feel like they ever worked for me. But in this moment I was so desperate to just feel something and feel even just a tad bit better that it didn´t really matter to me what was said I just knew that I needed a blessing. And the blessing was so sweet and so fast and we went home and started studying and just like that this dispair and saddness that I had recently felt so strongly just didn´t exist. And I just felt the biggest joy in my little heart. And it really just makes me the happiest Little person to know that the power of God is here on the earth and that through this power we can be healed. Really it is just the most amazing thing. And even though I was robbed of almost of my precious things I just felt so so blessed. And feel so so blessed. And to top it off Cesar stopped smoking, COMPLETELY stopped and will be baptized on Saturday and his wife is now listening to us and our other investigador is getting married this week so that the wife can be baptized and the husband can recieve the priesthood. And we have had a ton of people just randomly show us to church every Sunday. So really despite all of the bad that happened this week there was just so much good. And I think I learned more in this week than I have learned in my whole life. Etér 12:12 “For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them;” I know that if we have faith even in the worst circumstances we can be healed, we can see miracles, we can see changes in our lives and we can change. I know that God loves me and he gives us weaknesses so that we can recognize our devine potencial as his children. I really love this work more than I could ever explain and I feel so grateful to be here.
“today we must be better than we were yesterday and tomorrow, better than we were today” and thats how we can know that we are completing the will of our Father. Poco por poco.
see you in seven weeks... WHATTTTTT
Hermana Jarvis
And to be honest I always heard the blessings that my companions recieved and how they will just say the most amazing things or things that are writting in their patriatical blessings but to be honest I never felt that my blessings were anything special and I just didn´t feel like they ever worked for me. But in this moment I was so desperate to just feel something and feel even just a tad bit better that it didn´t really matter to me what was said I just knew that I needed a blessing. And the blessing was so sweet and so fast and we went home and started studying and just like that this dispair and saddness that I had recently felt so strongly just didn´t exist. And I just felt the biggest joy in my little heart. And it really just makes me the happiest Little person to know that the power of God is here on the earth and that through this power we can be healed. Really it is just the most amazing thing. And even though I was robbed of almost of my precious things I just felt so so blessed. And feel so so blessed. And to top it off Cesar stopped smoking, COMPLETELY stopped and will be baptized on Saturday and his wife is now listening to us and our other investigador is getting married this week so that the wife can be baptized and the husband can recieve the priesthood. And we have had a ton of people just randomly show us to church every Sunday. So really despite all of the bad that happened this week there was just so much good. And I think I learned more in this week than I have learned in my whole life. Etér 12:12 “For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them;” I know that if we have faith even in the worst circumstances we can be healed, we can see miracles, we can see changes in our lives and we can change. I know that God loves me and he gives us weaknesses so that we can recognize our devine potencial as his children. I really love this work more than I could ever explain and I feel so grateful to be here.
“today we must be better than we were yesterday and tomorrow, better than we were today” and thats how we can know that we are completing the will of our Father. Poco por poco.
see you in seven weeks... WHATTTTTT
Hermana Jarvis
Monday, March 6, 2017
suave suavecito
Well this week we saw a lot of miracles. And more than anything I have just learned the value of humbling ourselves in even the best circumstances. Cesar is preparing for him baptism we are just stuck with his goal to quit smoking. Hopefully he will be baptized this week. It is really so amazing to see how much he has changed. He already is glowing and you can just tell that there is something different about him. And his wife will get home the next week so we are hoping that she will also start coming to church and #familiafeliz.And we had 8 people at church again. And I am literally in shock.
“Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable. One of the trials of life is that we do not usually receive immediately the full blessing for righteousness or the full cursing for wickedness. That it will come is certain, but ofttimes there is a waiting period that occurs, as was the casewith Job and Joseph.
In the meantime the wicked think they are getting away with something. The Book of Mormon teaches that the wicked “have joy in their works for a season, [but] by and by the end cometh, and they are hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence there is no return”(3 Nephi 27:11).
During this testing time the righteous must continue to love God, trust in His promises, be patient, and be assured, as the poet said, that “who does God’s work will get God’s pay.” …
I testify to you that God’s pay is the best pay that thisworld or any other world knows anything about. And it comes in full abundance only to those who love the Lord and put Him first.
The great test of life is obedience to God.
The great task of life is to learn the will of the Lord and then do it.
The great commandment of life is, “Thou shalt love theLord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” (Mark12:30).”
The greatest and most important thing we can do in this life is the will of our Father. This week has been full of miracles but also alot of trials. But more than anything I have learned that if I can love my heavenly father more than any other thing I will experience a joy that is unexplainable. And thats the coal that makes thisssss train roll. Jaja
I really have been put to the test lately and I have really come to understand how importance repentence is. As I have been reading in Helaman about Lehi and Nefi and how they were cast into jail for their beliefs and preaching and how they almost starved to death. And then when the gaurds let them out to kill them they were surrounded by fire and no one could touch them it just made me think about how God has really protected me here and then when everyone fell into shock and were surrounded by a black smoke cloud that didn´t let them move until they pleaded for forgiveness. And when they finally pleaded with a sincere desire they were freed. And really thats how it is. When we are caught up in this saddness or maybe temptation or heart break all we need to do is humble ourselves and pray to our Father and plead with him that he can take this dark “cloud” away from us. And in our due time this darkness drifts aways. And we are emotionally freed. I am so grateful for repentence and how I can change through the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father and his briliant plan and I love this work. And I know with out a doubt in my mind its the most important work.
And random side note. There is a family from Utah that lives in our ward and people always come and visit from EAGLE MOUNTAIN. And I have been speaking so much english and its so weird jajaja.
Hermana Yarbis (they literally write my name like that here)
“Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable. One of the trials of life is that we do not usually receive immediately the full blessing for righteousness or the full cursing for wickedness. That it will come is certain, but ofttimes there is a waiting period that occurs, as was the casewith Job and Joseph.
In the meantime the wicked think they are getting away with something. The Book of Mormon teaches that the wicked “have joy in their works for a season, [but] by and by the end cometh, and they are hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence there is no return”(3 Nephi 27:11).
During this testing time the righteous must continue to love God, trust in His promises, be patient, and be assured, as the poet said, that “who does God’s work will get God’s pay.” …
I testify to you that God’s pay is the best pay that thisworld or any other world knows anything about. And it comes in full abundance only to those who love the Lord and put Him first.
The great test of life is obedience to God.
The great task of life is to learn the will of the Lord and then do it.
The great commandment of life is, “Thou shalt love theLord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” (Mark12:30).”
The greatest and most important thing we can do in this life is the will of our Father. This week has been full of miracles but also alot of trials. But more than anything I have learned that if I can love my heavenly father more than any other thing I will experience a joy that is unexplainable. And thats the coal that makes thisssss train roll. Jaja
I really have been put to the test lately and I have really come to understand how importance repentence is. As I have been reading in Helaman about Lehi and Nefi and how they were cast into jail for their beliefs and preaching and how they almost starved to death. And then when the gaurds let them out to kill them they were surrounded by fire and no one could touch them it just made me think about how God has really protected me here and then when everyone fell into shock and were surrounded by a black smoke cloud that didn´t let them move until they pleaded for forgiveness. And when they finally pleaded with a sincere desire they were freed. And really thats how it is. When we are caught up in this saddness or maybe temptation or heart break all we need to do is humble ourselves and pray to our Father and plead with him that he can take this dark “cloud” away from us. And in our due time this darkness drifts aways. And we are emotionally freed. I am so grateful for repentence and how I can change through the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father and his briliant plan and I love this work. And I know with out a doubt in my mind its the most important work.
And random side note. There is a family from Utah that lives in our ward and people always come and visit from EAGLE MOUNTAIN. And I have been speaking so much english and its so weird jajaja.
Hermana Yarbis (they literally write my name like that here)
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